Montana Code Annotated 1995

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     Rule 27. Form of briefs and other papers -- duplication.
     (a) Form of briefs, appendices, petitions, motions and other papers. Briefs, appendices, petitions, motions and other papers shall be produced by any standard printing process, by typewriter or by an equivalent process capable of producing a clear black image on paper. Such paper shall be standard quality, opaque, unglazed, acid-free, recycled paper, 25% cotton fiber content, with a minimum of 50% recycled content, of which 10% shall be post-consumer waste 8 1/2" X 11" in size, or standard quality, opaque, unglazed, white paper. After January 1, 1994, only on standard quality, opaque, unglazed, acid-free recycled paper, 25% cotton fiber content, a minimum of 50% recycled content of which 10% shall be post-consumer waste. All print must appear in at least Courier 10 characters per inch type on opaque, unglazed paper. All of the foregoing papers shall have pages not exceeding 8 1/2 by 11 inches with margins on the right side and on the top and bottom not less than 1 inch wide and on the left side not less than 1 1/2 inches wide, provided, however, that papers from the proceeding below (pleadings, findings of fact and conclusions of law, judgments, exhibits and other like papers) may be (1) reproduced in their original form, size and print even though the papers exceed the foregoing size limitations, or (2) reproduced in their original form, but in a reduced size and print on pages not exceeding 8 1/2 by 11 inches even though the print thereon is less than 11 point type, provided that the print is legible. Papers produced by typewriter or an equivalent process shall be double spaced except that footnotes and quoted and indented material may be single spaced. Pages shall be bound or attached on the left margin and numbered. Petitions, motions and other like papers filed with the clerk of the supreme court shall contain numbered lines.
     (b) Duplication. All requirements of duplication may be satisfied by the use of any photocopy method capable of producing a clear black image on paper, but not including ordinary carbon copy, provided, that in each instance the duplication shall conform to the requirements of subdivision (a) of this rule as to paper, size, form and pagination. All papers and attachments thereto must be legible.
     (c) First page and cover. The cover of the brief of the appellant shall be blue; that of the respondent, red; that of an intervenor or amicus curiae, green; that of any reply brief, gray. The cover of the appendix, if separately printed, shall be white. Where a transparent cover is utilized, the underlying sheet must nevertheless conform to these color requirements. On the first page and cover of all papers must be stated the title of this court, the title of the case as in the court below, adding to the words "Plaintiff" and "Defendant," the words "Appellant" and "Respondent" as the case may require, the names of counsel for appellant and respondent, the title of the papers, as "Appellant's Brief," "Appendix to Appellant's Brief," etc., and the venue from which the appeal is taken.

     History: En. Sup. Ct. Ord. 11020, Dec. 10, 1965, eff. Jan. 1, 1966; amd. Sup. Ct. Ord. June 16, 1986, eff. Jan. 19, 1987; amd. Sup. Ct. Ord. Mar. 25, 1993; amd. Sup. Ct. Ord. April 5, 1994.

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